Five Guys ‘Know They Only Need One’ Team for All Their Grease Trap Support Needs

‘Five Guys’ cook burgers and fries to perfection in their Boucher Road Belfast restaurant. One Grease Trap Team at Assure Services in Antrim of talented, hard working, professional and creative people add value and delivering results for owners and operators in the Commercial Kitchen and Hospitality Sector.
The Five Guys restaurant concept was born in Arlington, Virginia, USA in1986. Jerry and Janie Murrell gave their five sons a choice, ‘Start a business or go to college?’ The business route won and the family opened the first Five Guys – named after the five brothers.
To this day, the formula remains simple, ‘Burgers and Fries cooked to perfection’, in keeping with Jerry’s philosophy of ‘To perfect and to serve.’ The family is also still very much involved, meeting every Tuesday with every member still very much part of the business.
Assure Services approach to Grease Trap Support Services provision in 2025 and growth continues with the completion of a job for ‘Five Guys’ that included a grease trap empty and clean.
Tom Martin, Operations Director for Assure Services, commented: “We provide a seamless, comprehensive, national service throughout Ireland from our Antrim Head Office.
Whether you experience Assure Services in a sales or service capacity, we promise comprehensive knowledge, expert judgement and unmatched service. A BIG THANKS to the team at Five Guys Belfast for the trust they placed in us and we look forward to being of further assistance to existing and new clients alike in the months ahead with their Grease Trap support requirements.”

Assure Services are a specialist compliance company based in Northern Ireland who provide Grease Trap Installation, Grease Trap Maintenance, GRU Maintenance, Drain Jetting & Kitchen Extract Ductwork Cleaning for all businesses with Commercial Kitchens within the hospitality sector.

For further information please contact Assure Services on 028 9432 2993 or email